Monmouth County 2014 Chief’s Test

Monmouth County Chief’s of Police will be offering the entry level examination for all non- civil service agencies in Monmouth County.  The testing will be offered at the Monmouth County Police Academy (2000 Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ.) on June 9th, 10th & 11th.  For more information, or to register please check the Monmouth County Police Chief’s website.

MS Coast the Coast

2014-05-09 21.11.30

On May 17th participants of the MS Coast the Coast bicycle ride will be traveling through the Borough on Third Avenue, South Boulevard , Ocean Avenue & Brown Avenue. Participants are riding to raise money for the National MS Society.  Although there are no particular closing of roads please be mindful of the riders throughout the day.

Spring Lake Irish Festival

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On May 17th Spring Lake rolls out the Irish Hospitality in the Third Avenue Business District.  Please come out and enjoy this wonderful event featuring food, songs and shopping celebrating Irish heritage. The event will run from 12:00 PM to 4:00 pm.


Portions of Third Avenue, Morris Avenue and other side streets in the area may be closed to traffic & parking during the event. 

National Bike/Walk to School

On Thursday May 15th, H.W. Mountz school will be participating in the National Bike/Walk to school day.  Children & parents are encourage to walk or bike, with a helmet to school.  For the safety of the children participating in the event normal procedures for arrival and dismissal will be altered for the day.

  • Tuttle Avenue will be closed between Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue to motor vehicles.
  • For students arriving by car drop off will take place in the coned off area on Fifth Avenue between St Clair and Tuttle.
  • Bicycles will be parked near the front entrance to the school on Tuttle Avenue.

Please remember to ride safely !




Spring Lake Sea Girt Little League Parade

On Saturday, May 3 at 8:15 am the Spring Lake Sea Girt Little League will be holding their Parade & Opening Day Ceremony.  The Parade will start from the flag pole at Third Avenue & Passaic Avenue.  Players & Coaches will be walking down Third Avenue to Marucci Park.  A Opening Day Ceremony will follow the Parade at Marucci Park.


Portions of Third Avenue will be closed to traffic during the event.

Walk MS

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society will be hosting the annual Walk MS event on Sunday April 27 starting at 8 am.  The walk will be entering Spring Lake from Lake Como on Third Avenue continuing to Pitney Avenue where participants will be walking east to the Spring Lake Boardwalk to the South End Pavilion.  Participants will be returning the same route.


Portions of Third Avenue, Pitney Avenue and Ocean Avenue may be closed during the event.

Easter Egg Hunt

On April 19th the Spring Lake Goodwill Fire Company # 2 will be holding it’s annual Easter Egg Hunt at Divine Park (Passaic Avenue) starting at 11 am.  The event is open to Spring Lake Residents from 0 to 8 years of age. Registration is Friday, April 18 from 5p-7p and April 19 between 9a-10:30a. Rain date for the event is Easter Sunday at 11 am.



Passaic Avenue will be closed to traffic during the event

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