With the threat of Hurricane Joaquin travelling up the east coast we must start planning.  It’s still too early to determine how much of an impact Joaquin will have on us. Nevertheless, this is the time to make your plans so that you and your family are ready if the storm does affect Spring Lake and the surrounding areas.
- Put together a disaster supply kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash,first aid supplies, and copies of your critical information if you need to evacuate
- Check the fluids and filters on your generators, test it before you need it.
- Make a family emergency communication plan (http://www.ready.gov/make-a-plan)
- Spring Lake has text & email alerting systems for emergency notifications,  to sign up please click here.
Please stay tuned for further information and more specific warnings as this storm develops and gets closer
National Weather Service – National Hurricane Center http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/