The program gives students the confidence and skills they need to grow into happy, healthy adults. Too Good puts social and emotional learning to work through fun and interactive lessons, building the self-confidence young people need to make healthy choices and achieve success.
Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence promote positive, pro-social attitudes and behavior, while fostering healthy relationships, resistance to substance abuse and conflict, and resistance to negative peer pressure and influence. Too Good cultivates positive outcomes through the development of:
- Goal setting skills
- Decision making skills
- Conflict resolution skills
- Effective communication skills
- Social and emotional competency
Too Good programs in Middle School prepare students for the increasing challenges young teens face by fostering their ability to set and reach more complex goals. Both Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence Social Perspectives define a sequential set of core components. Students learn goal-setting, responsible decision making, emotion management, effective communication, and bonding and relationship skills to lay the groundwork for a drug-free and violence-free life.
Too Good for Drugs expands on the social emotional skills students learned in Elementary School and explores in greater depth the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use on the brain and body. Drug awareness lessons cover tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, prescription and over-the-counter medications and street drugs, including various stimulants and depressants. Students social emotional skill sets are reinforced and applied as they practice peer-pressure refusal strategies and explore and understand peer influence on their decision making. Grade 8 culminates with a Middle School Capstone to review what students have learned.
Too Good for Violence Social Perspectives encourages students to respect themselves and others, to celebrate differences, to manage emotions, and to employ effective methods of exterior and interior conflict resolution. The program promotes healthy character development and enhances social awareness. Students develop analytical skills to interpret media messages and portrayals of violence.
The Middle School Expansion Kits allow educators to combine Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence Social Perspectives into integrated fifteen lesson programs at each grade level. Implementing the programs together equips young teens with the comprehensive tools they need to stay true to the Too Good way of life.
All of these issues are monumentally important, especially in a close-knit community such as the Borough of Spring Lake.